Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Review of In the Loop Bath Bomb (6 oz)

Originally submitted at Fortune Cookie Soap

So wehave been obsessed with fruit cereal ever since it was introduced in our houseas kids. You remember how it usedto change the color of your milk and the sweet sugary smell?  Well, we took that smell and inventedthe coolest looking, greatest smelling little bath bomb in the entireworld...

This is huge!

By Jennifer from Ohio on 10/22/2011


5out of 5

Pros: Softens Skin, Relaxing, Multiple uses, Smells Great

Cons: Leaves Tub Residue

Best Uses: Bath, Gift

Describe Yourself: Special Skin Condition, Sensitive Skin

You can easily get 3-4 uses out of this, and it smells awesome. Only bad part is it leaves a little residue on your tub but that comes right off if you wipe your tub after your bath.


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